The Course & Local Rules
FPGC Committee Clarifications and Local Rules with regard to 2019 Rules of golf
Members obligations
Members are expected to acquaint themselves with the rules of golf 2019 edition. Members have already been penalised for breaches of rules.
Lifting Your Ball to Identify It
If a ball might be yours but you cannot identify it as it lies, you may lift the ball to identify it. But the spot of the ball must first be marked, and the ball must not be cleaned more than needed to identify it.
If the lifted ball is your ball or another player’s ball, it must be replaced on its original spot.
If you lift your ball when not reasonably necessary to identify it, fail to mark the spot of the ball before lifting it or clean it when not allowed, you get one penalty stroke.
Penalty for Playing Incorrectly Substituted Ball or Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Rule 7.3: General Penalty.
Correct Procedures for marking lifting and replacing ball see rule 14.1 and 14.2
Out of Bounds / Lost ball.
Rule 18. applies. Stroke and distance relief is to be taken. Please always play a provisional ball if in any doubt that the ball is lost or Out of Bounds.
The Definition of an Obstruction in the rules of golf is
“Any artificial object except for integral objects and boundary objects.”
Boundary objects are white out of bounds stakes.
Integral objects are defined in Local Rule F1/1
Examples given in the Rules of Golf are:
• Artificially surfaced roads and paths, including their artificial borders.
• Buildings and rain shelters.
• Sprinkler heads, drains and irrigation or control boxes.
• Stakes, walls, railings and fences (but not when they are boundary objects that define or show the boundary edge of the course).
• Golf carts, mowers, cars and other vehicles.
• Waste containers, signposts and benches.
• Player equipment, flagsticks and rakes.
Other examples include but are not limited to gravelled areas and wells.
Immovable Obstructions
The Definition of an Immovable Obstruction in the rules of golf is any obstruction that:
• Cannot be moved without unreasonable effort or without damaging the obstruction or the course, and
• Otherwise does not meet the definition of a movable obstruction.
Rule 16 (Amended 2019) specifies how to take relief from Immovable Obstructions. Rule 17.3 specifies that relief from an Immovable obstruction may not be taken in a Penalty Area. For instance bridges and cart paths may not be treated as immovable obstructions if the ball lies in a penalty area.
Rule 16 also defines when relief may not be taken in the General Area. Such as Rule 16.1 a (3) No Relief without penalty when it is clearly unreasonable to play the ball as it lies.
NB The rules of golf do not allow “line of sight relief”
The Local Rules below have been developed using the model rules provided in the rules of golf. The numbering corresponds to that of the model local rule used. These rules are to apply to all FPGC run competitions, matches (match or stroke play) and extra day rounds.
Local Rule E-1 Dropping Zones
The dropping zones provided on the 11th, 12th and 15th holes must be used when taking penalty relief for a ball in the Penalty area under rule 17. Each dropping zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.
Penalty for breach of local rule E-1 is the General Penalty, Rule 14.7 Ball played from wrong place applies.
Local Rule E-8 No play zones.
Areas marked by blue stakes or blue paint are no play zones. The GSA logo and bushes surrounding it is a no play zone. Full relief must be taken from these zones under rule 16.
Penalty for breach of local rule E-8 is the General Penalty; Rule 14.7 Ball played from wrong place applies.
Local Rule F1/1 Integral Parts of the Course
The retaining rocks above the cart path to the right of the 1st hole and those to the left of the 6th hole are integral parts of the course. Rule 18 (Lost Ball) Stroke and distance relief is to be taken for a ball lost in these areas.
Local Rule F1/2 Abnormal Course Condition.
Areas in bunkers where sand has been removed by the movement of water resulting in deep furrows through the sand are ground under repair from which relief is allowed under Rule 16.1b.
Local Rule F-10 Damage by Animals
In the general area, areas of damage caused by Wild Boar are treated as ground under repair from which relief is allowed under Rule 16.1b.