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Captains Chat - XII

Writer's picture: Duncan LeopoldDuncan Leopold

Updated: Jan 9, 2024

Welcome to my 12th and final Captain's Chat of 2023. Unlike November, December has been pretty busy with the Christmas Festival, Christmas itself and of course the Newland Trophy on St. Stephens Day.


I'm aware many of us spent Christmas with family and friends whether here or back home. We went to Ireland for Christmas, the first time in 5 years so a big catch up and I can safely say, it was not just wet outside, we managed to get just as wet inside. December was very nearly as good as November in terms of weather so there was plenty of golf. 


Christmas Festival


We had a great turn out for the Christmas Hamper competition which was very closely contested with a number of count backs before Steve Walker prevailed but closely followed by George Beattie, Jim Reid, Ian Bell and Russ Wilson. We had a good attendance at the prize giving with over 90 for dinner and dancing and a few late libations. As usual everyone won something, so well done to you all.


The Sagittarius Salver was successfully retained by Pete Noone and Scott Mirren, well done.


The Newland Trophy


Another big day giving everyone the chance to play off some of their Christmas excesses. It was won by Chico Borges and Christiano Marcelo, again well done.




What can I say except you have all been brilliant. We have some €10,500 in the pot and as previously mentioned we are supporting Madrugada €4,500, NECI in conjunction with Baptista €4,500 and we have also managed to donate €500 to APPDA - Association for Development Disorders and Autism, it is a non-profit organisation and we are delighted to support this through Rui Gloria.


We made our first Charity award of €4500.00 on the night of the Christmas Festival to Madrugada. 


As our previous Captain did, we have left something behind to kick off 2024.

Single and Pairs Knock out competitions


Sadly, for Duncan and Foxy, the pairs was won by Michael Abbott and David Meers, a great day with a lot of celebration later. Congratulations to Michael and David.


In the singles, Janice Galloway beat Michael Abbott and Oliver Klatt beat Gary Dowie, it should be a very hard fought final. Good luck to you both.


Race to Budens 


There is no change with Janice and Ian Galloway in 1st and 2nd place. A really good golfing year.


The Ladies


Where would we be? The Ladies continue to go from strength to strength and no doubt under the guidance of Rebecca and Janice will continue to grow. Well done.




Can I remind everyone that the rough has grown quickly and unfortunately clover is growing even more quickly which means finding your ball if you haven't hit the fairway can be difficult. The rule is that you have 3 minutes to find your ball, if you are worried that you may have difficulty by not being on the fairway, please play a provisional. 


Federation Fees


Despite our best efforts to get the Federation to inform us of any increases and our need to ensure as many members are paid up prior to the AGM, we did not receive notification from them until the 28th of December advising of a €10 increase from €60 to €70. At that stage we already had 111 paid up members over 50%, well done, my thanks to all of you. The good news though is that our net assets this financial year are very healthy at just over €17k some €2k better than the magic €15k we strive for. So, as it's the members money and in keeping with the principle this year of trying to put as much back to you we will be subsidising the extra cost of €10. This we believe is the fairest way and all members benefit.

A point to note though is that anyone joining after the 31st of March which is the cut off for the Federation, they add a late payment surcharge of €7.00, the full amount of €77.00 will therefore have to paid, so get joining.


 Monthly Competitions:


 This link to the monthly competitions schedule lets you know what’s coming up.




Card Markers


 Thanks again to our Card markers who as always do great work and have been outstanding all year, it is so very much appreciated. 


Web Site


For those attending the AGM on the 12th we hope to be able to provide a preview of what is in store for you.




The very best wishes to Ian Galloway our incoming Captain who has been a huge support and to his incoming Vice Captain Carol Newland, I hope you have as much fun as Aoife and I have had. Enjoy.




I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for your fantastic support and encouragement throughout the Year. Last but not least a special thanks to the Committee and the Card Markers, you have made the year very special. 


To GSA, Mario and his team in the Bar and Restaurant, Rui and his team in The Shop and Nelson for the Course maintenance - Thank you.



The AGM is on Friday 12th, you must be a member to attend.  


Captains Changeover Saturday 13th January.


Sheets are on the Board, and you will need to put your names down for dinner.


Kind regards,


Duncan Leopold

Captain FPGC

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